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As part of an individual demo, we will show you which functions our editorial system has, how you can adapt it to the individual needs of your everyday work and how your team will benefit from it. Simply fill out the form and we’ll get back to you:
Over 10,000 users already trust Newsmind Stories.
Can I test Newsmind Stories for free?
If you want to get to know the software, you can book a free, non-binding demo in which we will introduce you to the software and discuss your requirements. This way, we can offer you a suitable test license if you want to try it out yourself.
Can I access Newsmind Stories from mobile and anywhere?
Since Newsmind Stories is web-based and in the cloud (SaaS, Software as a Service), you can plan, pitch, edit, and publish your topics and stories at any time and from anywhere. There is also a mobile version, so you can access Newsmind Stories from your smartphone or tablet.
Which external sources can I monitor?
Newsmind Stories can connect to a variety of sources. This includes agency reports – from DPA to the Evangelical Press Service – news and articles published online, or social media sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. Upon request, we can also integrate internal databases or other data sources. You can easily monitor your own feeds as well.